Florida GOP

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Kendrick Meek Thanks Floridians

"Tonight, I stand before my fellow Floridians with an overflowing heart and an uplifted spirit, forever appreciative that people throughout this state believed in our campaign and embraced values that we as Floridians hold dear. From the moment we began this journey in January before President Obama's inauguration through this evening, we have prided ourselves on our hard work, and steadfast dedication to the people of our state.

"We stand on the belief that our economy will only flourish when the middle class is thriving and small businesses are hiring. The lifelong bedrock that makes our party great and this nation flourish is rooted in principles of equality and social justice, of protecting our environment and defending a woman's right to choose. These are not sometime Democratic values, but all-the-time Democratic values. On our essential beliefs, we can never compromise because too many people in the generations preceding us have toiled and struggled for the liberties we now enjoy and the way of life we deserve.

"We were the campaign that brought voice to the people of struggle, to individuals in our communities who are working harder than ever before but earning less. Those individuals, they are our teachers and firefighters, our nurses and bus drivers -- everyday working people who support their families through hard work deserve an advocate too, and my candidacy was for them. They are Florida's middle class and their work ethic defined by uncommon excellence is on display everyday. We fought for them.

"To my opponents, I congratulate them on their campaigns. To Florida's Senator-elect Marco Rubio, I congratulate you on winning a plurality of the vote and standing on principle.

"Tonight the people of Florida have spoken, but tomorrow we will rise with ongoing challenges and unmet demands. No one has a monopoly on how best to heal our state, but we know much work lays ahead for all of us. The fight for a better, more prosperous Florida future continues and my commitment to people all throughout our state endures. For two years, you have embraced me and for the rest of my life, I shall embrace you. Better days lay ahead of us and, through hard work, we will arrive at that future together."......Kendrick Meek

Thank You Mr. Meek!

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