Florida GOP

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dick Greco: Tampa’s Norman Rockwell

One local voter who shared his negative views on Greco would only give his first name out of fear Greco might win and somehow seek retribution; although settling a score seems highly un-like Greco.

“Tom” comes from a fifth generation Tampa family. He’s a small businessman who deeply cares about the community and has a strong and unflattering opinion about Greco’s previous four terms as mayor.

“He’s never done anything good for Tampa. He’s a good P.R. man and he likes to party, but he hasn’t done anything creative and has no vision. He’s spent our kids into poverty with all these bonds.
More On What Chris Ingram Has To Say.

Republican Charlie Crist Backs Mr. Greco.

The Stogie Recommends Ed Turanchik For Mayor Of Tampa

1 comment:

  1. Good pick, Stogie. Turanchik is a brilliant man of principal & integrity. He has a vision for Tampa, and a clear plan to get there.
