Florida GOP

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Brian Blair's Love Letter To Chris Ingram

Chris Ingram Stars in War of the Bloggers

We all have a lot on our plates lately -- whether it's jobs, the economy, health, business, family, friends and - like you, I could go on and on; so I enjoy what little personal time I get on the computer.

Recently while on the internet I saw Chris Ingram of "The Irreverent View" Blog's name come up in other places here in Cyberspace. I am happy to say that I know Chris personally via face to face lunches, group political lunches that Chris often has at Datz Deli (excellent food) as well as Political Commentary on Bay News 9. As all of you know, I am often at the top of the charts when it comes to getting "half the story press".

Very much like Chris, I'm a "Straight Shooter" and am humbly unabashed to say what’s on my mind without being "Politically Correct", if you will. The point of this message is to share that I have always found Chris Ingram to be an Honest person with the highest Integrity as well as one of those people you enjoy having a soda or beer with. When he hosts the Datz Deli political events; Chris is always humble, makes sure the focus of the lunch is the invited guests and of course the "Guest Speaker". I have found that whether you agree or disagree (which I have) that his character is great, he’s entertaining and Mr. Ingram does what he does with passion.

As the 'Political Blog" wars continue like a soap opera; I would be remised not to share with you my opinion of a fine gentleman whom I'm glad to call a friend. With that said; I wish everyone who reads this - good health, happiness and God's blessings, during these difficult times. Please remember that it's much easier when you look at the glass "half full”!

Kindest regards,

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