Florida GOP

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

City Of Tampa Code Chapter 26-169

Placement Of Containers
A week ago tomorrow a nice gentleman from the city driving a Ford Escape visted Stogie's resident. He was handed pamphlet above and was told that he was in violation of City Of Tampa Code Chapter 26-169. He informed the gentleman that Stogie's trash days were mondays and thursdays and here it was wednesday and the trash can was still there. The trash was not picked up on monday. I don't want to be an eyesore to my community, but the city needs to get it's shit together and stop wasting our money.

1 comment:

  1. The Stogie is lucky he didn't get arrested. That garbage guy has arrest powers. I know because one of them arrested me a number of years ago for "having a slow moving can."

    If I hadn't signed the garbage goon's recognizance release paper he would have had the Tampa PD cart my law-breaking butt off to the hoosegow.

    I appeared pro se in a court of law a few weeks later. The judge took pity on me and advised a plea of nolo contendre, which I took and then walked out of the courtroom without having to do "hard time."

    To this day people still think I am joking when I tell them that the garbage man arrested me. But, it's true. He did!

    Love your blog, and thanks for the True Grit "shout out" the other day.
