Florida GOP

Monday, January 24, 2011

Florida Judge Paul Hawkes

If the Judicial Qualifications Commission is looking for one clear moment of conduct unbecoming a judge, it could look at 1st District Court of Appeal Judge Paul Hawkes' inaccurate account to a Senate committee this month of his pursuit of the "Taj Mahal" courthouse.

Hawkes and his colleagues didn't act alone. They had help from Republican legislators — including new

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, new Hillsborough County Commissioner Victor Crist and Bush's hands are not clean, either.

(Yet) 1st District voters returned him to the bench for at least another six years in November, even after

St. Petersburg Times senior correspondent Lucy Morgan
reported how he and other judges pursued the new building.

You Should Know Your Judges When It's Time To Vote.

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