Florida GOP

Thursday, January 13, 2011

George Will Attacks Howard Dean

"And I say good for them. Greg Sargent of The Plum Line and Dave Cook of the Christian Science Monitor call out George Will on what he wrote on Dean's words about the Tea Party.".......MadFloridian

"For too long the dangerous propagandist tactic of mixing of truth, half-truths and lies has been used to inflame popular sentiments and fear. It was therefore disappointing to see The Post contribute to this cycle of vitriol in our public discourse with a column by George F. Will that erroneously claimed I called the Tea Party racist. In fact, as Post blogger Greg Sargent pointed out by fully citing my comments, I specifically said that I did not consider the Tea Party to be racist.
It's time we each do our part to stop this cycle of vitriol.".......Howard Dean

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