Florida GOP

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Give Deputy Brian Call His Job Back

Brian Call spent 14 years in construction before becoming a road patrol deputy in 2007. When the Sheriff's Office decided to build a hangar for its aviation unit using inmate labor, the agency put Call in charge. But on his evening shifts monitoring the inmates Call fraternized too much with them.

He brought Copenhagen smokeless tobacco and shared it with inmates, and had the inmates' girlfriends bring more to the site. An inmate told another construction supervisor — Deputy Karl Crawford — about the tobacco products. Crawford informed his superiors, beginning a criminal investigation.

Sheriff Bob White, this is the way The Stogie would of handle the situation. Give the inmate more time for snitching on his supervisor and then terminated Deputy Karl Crawford for snitching on his colleague. But,
i am not the Sheriff, i am just a blogger. What do i know.

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