Florida GOP

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Republicans Actually Reading The Constitution

It will cost taxpayers over $1 million dollars for Republicans to recite the entire United States Constitution on the House floor.

Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) said on Tuesday that his party plans to cut $100 billion in spending this year. GOP leadership has said cuts to the US defense budget are out of the question, making key safety-net programs like Medicare, food stamps and Social Security the sole target of their legislative agenda.

Yet.....According to a 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll released on Monday. Sixty-one percent of Americans polled would rather see taxes for the wealthy increased as a first step to tackling the deficit.
The next most popular way to tackling the deficit chosen by 20% was to cut defense spending.
Four percent would cut the Medicare government health insurance program for the elderly, and 3 percent would cut the Social Security retirement program.

How do these clowns get elected?

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