Florida GOP

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ed Turanchik and Kelly Benjamin

I read Michael Hussey's post and what he has to say about Ed Turanchik and Kelly Benjamin. I do agree we need to push every democrat to the left. I disagreed backing a progressive candidate is a waste of time.

Out of 190,000 plus eligible voters in Tampa, only 11,566 (district 6) of them bothered to show up.
The 7,221 that voted for Charlie have spoken for everyone in district 6, his campaign didn't even have an e-mail address. The sad part is Benjamin's campaign took to all the media fronts and only 4,345 of us made it to the polls. Not good.

Other races were the same. Felita 10,802, Turanchik 8,104
Reddick 3,314, West 1,140

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