Florida GOP

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tampa Homeless Speak

Interview with a few of the homeless people in Tampa.
Why they have become homeless along with some facts on homelessness in Hillsborough County, Florida.

1 comment:

  1. Really Tampa? Dont pretend they are not there? Dont roll your window up? Dont use them as see thru glass. Take a chance invite them in to your home. Feed them, figure out why you can't find someway to need each other. What do you have to lose...oh yeah someone might find out you have a heart and take advantage of it? Really? Yes, I take care of them I am not ashamed to admit it. I have always had a heart for those who lost there last rope. You never know when is your own family you pray for someone else like yourself to exist...to take care of him...please help him find someone like me...Pay it forward? Pay it forward? Pay it forward?
    I pray he calls me and not someone giving me the bad news.
    Marla Pellicone
