Florida GOP

Saturday, June 25, 2011

End The War On Cuba

Today i enter a new item in Stogie's bucket list. Ending the embargo on the Cuban people. We owe it to the two generations who stayed and have endured. It has been almost 50 years now, and nothing has changed. The old ways of The Miami Cuban Mafia do not work. This generation is old and passing away. It's time for
Cuban-Americans everywhere to say enough is enough. Also consider this:

"It's time to stop talking solely in terms of what's best for the Cuban people. How about the wishes of the American people, who are consistently in favor of diplomacy with Cuba? Let's stop the hysterics about the freedom of Cubans – which is not our government's responsibility –

and consider freedom of the American people, which is.".....Ron Paul

Fidel Castro had great plans for Cuba, and then he became a tyrant. Just imagine, being able to visit and teach them about Democracy and Freedom. Imagine the Possibilities.

1 comment:

  1. Count me among the Cuban-Americans saying enough is enough.
