Florida GOP

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Go Green - Save Money

Instead Of Your Dryer, Try This.
With the sun down here they will dry in 20 mins. Or The Lazy Conservationist recommends a drying rack, they're inexpensive. This one costs $30.

1 comment:

  1. Lazy Conservationist10:06 PM, June 16, 2011

    Going green is great, but there's no need to create a neighborhood eye-sore. Other people don't need to see my laundry. I grew up watching my grandmother use a drying rack for the delicates, and I would recommend them to anyone as an alternative to electric dryers. They're inexpensive, too.This one costs $30. Or if you're not too shabby with the tools, it's an easy one-day project.
