Florida GOP

Monday, June 13, 2011

Wilana Joenel Frazier of Brooksville

Children as young as 10 years old say they watched her beat two kittens with a baseball bat before she and her two children kicked them numerous times. Once one of the animals appeared to have died, the body was thrown in a trash receptacle while one of the children poured water over it.


  1. Wilana J Frazier
    27124 Simona Ave
    Brooksville, FL 34602
    (352) 345-4660

  2. This person needs to be hit with a baseball several hundred times while her children watch, then her children need to be taken away from her for life. I am sure we are paying for her to have as many children as she wants

  3. Wilana Joenel Frazier
    27127 Simona Ave
    Brooksville, FL

    Take this mf down. Go there and get her and the bastard kids and take them out. Destroy her life and the rest of the scum near her. Burn the s-hole she lives in.

  4. Think the cops have her and problem solved? Don't believe it. She'll be out in nothing flat. This animal must be stopped - for good.

  5. She's not an animal - animals don't behave like this. She's sub-human. My comtempt and disgust for scum like this knows no bounds.

  6. As an animal lover I absolutely hate the actions of certain sub-humans. I can' stress enough that there should be severe punishments to anyone that is able to do this to a living creature. Hope child protective services remove the kids from her.

  7. Please sign the petition below to get this disgusting (insert any disgusting word here) punished to the fullest extent of the law. This will go to the state attorney:


    I literally cannot speak when I think about this story, rambling murderous rage is all that I've got.

  8. I am just sickened and want to get a bat and teach this piece of garbage a serious lesson.
    I hope someone has made sure there aren't any OTHER kittens, cats, etc. in this creep's dwelling too? Who knows if these are the only kittens?Mom Cat? I'm so angry I can spit. I was sick all day yesterday after reading this report. There needs to be serious punishment, jailtime, fines.
    And who bailed this thing out of jail?? She should sit and rot in there for a long time.

  9. Just in case anyone wants to know her phone number in Brooksville is (352)345-4660. Her complete address is 27127 Simona Ave., Brooksville, FL 34602-7239. Why not call or send her a note telling you how you feel?

  10. Wow, tone down the animosity, people! You all sound as insane as the kitten beater. This woman showed terrible judgement and committed a crime and should be punished accordingly. We don't need to beat her to death in front of her family or drag her through the streets. Seriously, I love my dog like a family member, but she's still an animal. Animal cruelty is horrible and should be dealt with sternly, but seriously? Lynch mobs?!? It was a few cats people. Hope I never do something you disagree with.

    This is coming from someone who has very recently spent time in countries where they beat you to death in the streets in front of your children. Trust me... You don't want to go down that road.

    1. Trust me we do want to go down that road so speak for yourself. Showed terrible judgement wth u have got to be kidding me. Bad judgement is like when you pick a bad boy type guy to date or had one too many to drink and had sex with that guy. Something like that. Not beat a three pound tiny kitten and the kittens brother to death on a Saturday afternoon with a bat in front of a group of children so bad they are pleading with her to stop!!!! I'm glad you aren't a coach at an elementary school etc. It's not Leave it To Beaver life anymore . Get reality. Then the bitch is forcing her young kids to torture the kittens and she's yelling Dirty and foul language while doing so. Those kids will never be able to forget what they witnessed. I was a psychology major in college so I have somewhat of a decent I Q and seriously just go back to yourStepford wives life. I know it's been years past about this ase but I'll never forget Dexter and Drake ever biach. I feel truly sorry for your dog for you to say you love her. See some people unlike you really love their pets as a familymember and don't just think of them as just an animals have a bond deep that u could never understand because you are a simpleton.This was child abuse in it's worst form stupid person. This was beyond beyond. It was just a few cats what just go play on the freeway broad and you are just a dumb woman who cares. Children were there u lame biach. Bye dumbest Felicia

  11. I agree with the vigilantes. Hunt her down and do some damage.

  12. I also agree with the vigilantes. It's NOT just an animal,it's one of Gods creatures, an innocent victim. If she could do that to a KITTEN, what would she do to her children or someone she claims to be a "Ho".

  13. Wialana, is a danger and should be removed from society. We deserve to be protected from sub humans such as this. I can not imagine what damage she has already inflicted on her children. Let her inflict her horrors on herself. She is pure evil.
    Where is the man who copulated with this monster?
    Evil begets evil, put her away, try to save the children.

  14. You bet-that pos is going down-baseball bats hurt a little and i'll wager she's about to find out firsthand-WOW, big mistake lady-no one is ever going to forget who you are and where you live

  15. She and her two sons are serial killers! They should be tortured the same way they did those two poor kittens. Who is the animal here?
    These people's lives are not worth anything, PESTS. I would do whatever I could to hearm this family if I lived near them...

  16. W. Frazier's children must be saved from her cruel-heartless teachings.Save them from this brutal, loveless woman.Place them w/a loving family before it is too late! It is certain W.Frazier will continue to teach these tender & malleable minds that torturing & killing the weak is "for sport" or fun.Violence & murder against helpless humans begins with violence & murder against helpless animals. So now that Ms. Frazier has introduced them to the first step, what's next? For fun or from jealousy, will her 2 children graduate to the torture of helpless human beings, perhaps first against their unborn sibling "for sport" once they're born? Won't Mommy be impressed how quickly her children learn what she's taught them?

  17. Lock her up with Casey Anthony and a roll of duct tape!!!

  18. The kids are a product of a rotten mothe rbut how would she feel watching someone beat them with a bat? I hope she rots in jail!

  19. i feel so sorry for this woman--what she did was sadistic & despicable, but think about what kind of an awful & abusive life she herself must have lived thru in order to be capable of such an action. from everything i've read, it sounds like she comes from a family of psychos, & based on her oldest child's age, she was a teen mother. i'm not saying to forgive her, but anyone who wants to damage her & her family is thinking the same way that she does--ignorantly hostile, without morals. she needs help, not hostility. and i wonder if she were white if the reactions would be as extreme...

  20. She will get her just reward. She needs to feel the blunt end of a hard object.

  21. How can someone say, I love my dog like a family member...and in the next breath say, But she's still an animal??? People! Humans are animals as well, but only humans intentionally inflict pain, suffering and death upon other living creatures for amusement, perhaps you should remind yourself of that fact and climb off your pedestal. The life of every sentient being is sacred...It was only a few cats??? Animals possess capabilities we can only dream of...they can fly, breathe under water, communicate without 'language', navigate using built-in sonar or radar, they sense when storms and natural disasters are about to occur, the list is infinite. You should be ashamed.

  22. THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST DISGUSTING THINGS I HAVE READ IN A LONG TIME. What a monster, this person should not be breathing they are beyond redemption...period. Another Michael Vick maybe they are related?

  23. I think this scum should be hitted with a bat so she experiences the suffering this poor kitten went through, then sent to jail inmediatelly. Her children should be sent to a foster family not before receiving a proper punishment for their actions. She is a monster and should be treated as such.

  24. Dexter passed away today.
    look at this Facebook page for details..

  25. How can ANYONE feel "sorry" for the horrendous BITCH WASTE OF SPACE? What a bad life she had, oh fucking boo hoo, lots of people have it tough and they don't take a baseball bat to innocent kittens, have their spawn throw them against trees, and try to cut their throats open? I say first take the baseball bat, beat the unborn spawn out of her disgusting belly, then bash her kid's heads in while she watches, then finish the whore off....then dance on the graves rid of four wastes of life and air for good people and animals!!

  26. People like this need to be isolated from society. What she did and what she taught her children to do is unacceptable and inexcusable. However, I am just as disturbed by all the talk of violence against her and her children. It is normal to feel animosity against people who commit crimes of this nature but adding more violence is not the answer. Animals should teach us how to love all living things more, so I think some people are missing the big picture here. I really can't understand how people can justify violent revenge on this woman and her children while at the same time, condemning her violence on animals. Shame that you have missed the best thing that pets offer us sad confused and angry humans, unconditional love and forgiveness beyond our own capacity.

  27. DEAR GOD!!! She doesn't need to be beat up with a bat...she was already hit with an ugly stick!! I think i saw a picture of her at Area 51.....

  28. Bitch needs to get a taste of her own medicine.

  29. Hopefully a real life human Dexter will catch up to her and take care of things. We all know our wimpy judicial system will not.Anything that would commit such evil acts does not deserve to share the planet with us. Whats worse is that this evil thing has created offspring who are as genetically inferior as she. This is but one example of why our country is in financial ruin. Our tax dollars fund such vile creatures to continue to procreste with reckless abandon. This thing is 24 and has two kids and one on the way. Would the children not have been better off in a state sponsored orphanage? Should she not have been sterilized 2 kids ago? These are the kind of creatures that are rapidly overpopulating our country and acts such as this display the level of evil that is within them.

  30. P.S. Another piece of truth for you- If anyone EVER acts as if they like you or even go so far as act like they care about you, they're doing it either because they're faking it, or because it's their JOB. You want some truth in how people really feel about you? Well, you just come on here.

  31. "Think about what kind of an awful & abusive life she herself must have lived thru in order to be capable of such an action"?!?!?!

    There are plenty of people out there who have had lives just as bad and way way worse than we can imagine that do not do these sort of evil things. I personally know a woman who was pregnant with her first child at 14. She found herself in that condition due to rape perpetrated by a family friend. She now (almost 20 yrs. later) is the single mother of 4 children. She struggles daily to make ends meet. And she would never even think of doing something this heinous. I don't have any children so I don't have that struggle. I did however grow up dirt poor. Went to bed hungry as often as not as a child. Was molested. Lost my virginity at 14 due to date rape. My mother died the same year. My father was never around. My best friend died at 16 due to cancer. The list goes on. Ya know what I do when I see a kitten... I cuddle it. This woman has a piece missing in her soul. The piece that makes the majority of society refrain from perpetrating unspeakable cruelty onto something as weak and defenseless as a kitten. This woman is an earthly personification of "the devil" if you will, and no amount of frustration at life's injustices can justify or even make sense of her actions.

    "Wow, tone down the animosity, people"?!?!?

    This bitch needs to die! Her children need to be taken away and put with people who can hopefully undo the psychological damage that has been done to them. And if it's too late and they turn out like her? Kill them too. And yes I would feel the same if she were white!! The only race involved here is the human race and the fact that she doesn't deserve to be a part of it!

    Also, she still has not done more than a day in jail. The case is ongoing. Our (in)justice system here sucks!! I actually live about a half hour away from this psychopath and if I knew I could do it without jeopardizing my own freedom I'd kill her myself.
