Florida GOP

Monday, July 18, 2011

Is Federal Spending Really Out Of Control?

I am trying my best not to become a cynical old fart in old age, if you call 51 old age. But the brainwashing of our country in the name of "what's best for the country" is sickening. We need less spending now, like we need a hole in the head. People losing their houses, jobs and eating the cheapest food they can find, are not free. We need smart spending i.e. in education to help the masses, not less taxes for the multi-nationals.

We had a balanced budget in 2001, and then Bush decided he had to spend 1 billion dollars a day in Iraq. Afghanistan is 10 billion per month; Libya is 300 million per month! Why is defense not in the austerity discussions? Wages have decreased over the last decade thanks to our free trade polices with un-developed nations and CEOs who farm our jobs out to these countries are making millions, as is Wall Street. Spreading the wealth in the name of the public good is American, so we can afford public programs that has made our country great i.e. LBJs Great Society programs.

Dog eat dog with a growing wage gap and poor in the streets is not American. It's time for the people to start demonstrating our ........ cynicism?, concerns for the country. For the Tampa area the WMNF web site would be a place to ogranize. They've already lost their government support.
Rob Lorei

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