Florida GOP

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Rep. Alan Grayson is running for Congress

Republican presidential candidates “seem to be in some kind of contest among themselves for the biggest, most callous tool,” Grayson said. “They all seem to be running for college class president at some fundamentalist Christian school that nobody has ever heard of, not for President of the United States.”


  1. hurray for Alan Grayson. He is not afraid to speak the truth, and he looks out for the senior citizens, poor and the disabled. We need more like him!

  2. Alan Grayson is a People's Congressman. We need him to win! I only contribute by regular mail..anyone have his mailing address?

    Cutting the Social Safety Net programs is illegally unconstitutional.(14th Amendment/Sec.4) The DOJ needs to enforce the constitutional laws of the land and deal with the offenders. Americans have paid into these federal INSURANCE programs all their working lives. Congress members are breaking additional laws by breaking this contract with the American people...a breach of trust!
