Florida GOP

Monday, August 1, 2011

Best Of Babalu

On "Odor diverts Mexico-bound U.S. flight to Cuba."
The source of the odor has not yet been determined, but well placed and knowledgeable sources in the commercial aviation industry have told BabalĂș that the most likely source of the stench came from Raul Castro's "reforms." The expert sources suggested that since the flight's route placed the aircraft close to Cuba, the airliner's ventilation system must have ingested some of the plumes of malodorous stench emanating from crap Havana has been producing the past few months. The Cuban dictatorship and "Cuba Experts"

commonly refer to the mountains of high-powered feces accumulating
in Cuba as "Raul Castro's Momentous Reforms.".......Alberto de la Cruz

Help, end the war on the Cuban people, they are being held hostage by a small minority in South Florida.
Stop The MCM.

1 comment:

  1. De La Cuz is a genuinely certified right- wing ding-bat from Miami. Te Babalusians are going to have to buy extra bottles of Maalox, now that we will soon be able to fly to Havana from Tampa. They are having a huge bout of INDIGESTION!
