Florida GOP

Monday, August 1, 2011

Help Get Pamela Jo Hatley On Our Planning Commission

Our Planning Commission reviews development proposals and makes recommendations to our county & city governments about what kind of development to allow where. They help plan how our transportation systems will fit into our communities and whether our natural resources will be protected, or not, as we grow. Several seats are about to open up on this important board.

Hillsborough County Commissioners have been known to fill these seats with their cronies within the development industry — especially if they think no one is watching. (The Planning Commission is currently overweighted with developers.) We need to urge them to appoint Planning Commissioners who will represent the best interests of our whole community — not just developers' interests — as we plan for future growth.

Please urge our County Commissioners to appoint Pamela Jo Hatley to the Planning Commission.

1 comment:

  1. Here's more info and a sample letter to make it easy to support Pamela Jo Hatley.

    (The last link in the post doesn't work?)
