Florida GOP

Monday, August 1, 2011

My Recent Journey Into The Abyss

Exposing The Right-Wing Extremist
Alberto De La Cruz At Babalu

On July 28, Babalu Blog posted this.
Strangely enough, Tampa airport is actually proud and boasting about becoming a business partner of the vile, murderous, criminal, and repressive Castro dictatorship. Go figure.

After having to register and waiting for moderation i left this comment,
Isn't it wonderful Mr. de la Cruz?
You make Castro sound just like our Republicans. Go figure.

It was out of joy for getting something so many people worked so hard to get and

my daily poke at Republicans.

Mr. de la Cruz came back with this:
"Actually, Stogie, Castro sounds just like a liberal because... well, you know why."
Wait, i never said Castro sounds like a liberal, and the "well, you know why" contrary to what his little mind thinks, all liberals are not Communist.

Then he comes back with this:
Because you know that the millions of tourists who visit Cuba every year from Canada, Italy, Spain, the UK, France, South America, and various other free countries have done such a great job of exposing the Castro regime for the sham and repressive tyranny that it is.

These are tourists, they have no ties to Cuba but the great deal they got from their travel agents back home. We are family, we go there to help.

Then he ends it with this:
I am not surprised that you are not ashamed. If you were an intellectually honest person with a modicum of shame, te daria pena offering a stale and bankrupt argument. But it is obvious that you do not think that highly of yourself.

Stale and bankrupt argument? Sir, your argument is over 50 years old, it should be pretty stale by now.

Help, end the war on the Cuban people, they are being held hostage by a small group of

Right-Wing Extremist in South Florida.
Stop The MCM.

As the great late George Carlin once said, "Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."


  1. Great exchange Stogie!

    I think you did argue with an idiot, but I think you won. These pendejos spew the same tired arguments that are growing mold they are so old and tired.

    The embargo has never worked, is still not working, and shows no sign of ever working.

  2. Thanks Jon, hope you don't mind me borrowing your quote.

  3. Stogie,
    I believe it is our right as Americans to Travel where ever we want even Cuba.
    Truly my take on this is "WHY NOT?"
    I might not have had this opportunity beyond the Travel Channel.
    Clearly both points into account have been noted.
    This might be a wall coming down a new beginning of the great revival for the Cuban People!
    "The window of opportunity lies beyond a crack."
    In others eyes; you may just be a trouble maker a darn labeled liberal Mr. Stogie. I know your heart and passion for freedom.
    We must all keep this into account. If you dont see now we are heading for a weaker government who can't pay its debts?
    Someone is to blame for this?
    Mr. De La Cruz...........
    "What is there to be ashamed of?
    We all must start somewhere.
    Could this just be the "Flight to Freedom" for both sides?
    Open your mind it will set you free, Mr. De La Cruz.
    Since 1959 till now...something is finally changing in Cuba? WOW! Lets be happy and hope this is it!

  4. Ask de la Cruz who pays him to sit at the computer all day and pump out post after post and for the travel to Washington for political events. He won't be honest because he can't be honest.
