Florida GOP

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pastor Mike of Miramar

Meet Michael Stahl, otherwise known as "Pastor Mike." Stahl lives in Miramar, Florida, and leads an online church called Living Water Church, which we think is a fancy way of saying he hangs out a lot in a Christian-themed chat room. Stahl has proposed the creation of a national registry for atheists, much like the ones in existence for sex offenders. It's almost self-evident why this is a good idea,
but let's have Stahl explain it himself.

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Mike,

    Why do you think it necessary to start a national registry of atheists? I believe that if you should ask any of us, we would be glad to tell you we are atheists. We do not hide behind some veil of secrecy.

    Should you feel a need to discuss this further, I can be reached at retiredaf1988@yahoo.com.

    Maybe we should start a national registry of radical christians such as yourself.
