Florida GOP

Friday, August 12, 2011

Why I Like Dr. No, Sometimes.

Ron Paul......
*Has voted against constitutional bans on same-sex marriage and flag burning,

believing in individual expression.
*During a GOP debate in South Carolina in May, Paul said that if a person wants to shoot up with heroin, it's that person's choice, and the federal government should stay out of it.
*Paul was one of only six Republicans to vote against giving President George W. Bush the authority to wage war in Iraq and has long bemoaned U.S. intervention overseas.

*Talking about the Cuban embargo, Paul said the U.S. policy has failed.
"If we wouldn't have had this embargo for 40 years, Castro would have been gone a long time ago,"
I am not endorsing Mr. Paul and probably would never vote for him, but he is the only one that i see getting us out of the mess we are in. Ending the wars alone would help alot.

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