Florida GOP

Friday, February 15, 2013

Florida Black History Month Contests Worthless

Our Black History Goes Unwritten
Dear Governor Scott,
Again, you have forwarded electronic propaganda while ignoring another electronic plea to address Florida’s frame-ups. The subjects you chose to propagandize today are Black History and racial diversity, as they pertain to Florida’s educators and children. Slain civil rights worker – and educator – Harry T. Moore is my hero. Florida Today writes a great deal about him so that Brevard’s children will know what to write in essays about Black History Month. Florida Today doesn’t write anything about Crosley Green, the victim of a “the black man did it” frame-up.  I’m aware of a closer-to-home “the black man did it” frame-up that the Press Journal should be writing about and isn’t – another black man incapable of changing the length of his hair or his physical size at will, despite police and prosecutors contrary claims. I['m] hoping that particular conviction gets cleared up in the near future.....Sincerely, Susan Chandler
Did Crosley Green Kill Chip Flynn?
A Jury Said Yes; A Judge Sentenced Him To Die.
But Five Top Detectives Say Green Is Innocent.

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