Florida GOP

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Narcotics Cops In Ski Masks Raid Parrish Home

Ma and Pa Jordan
the husband-and-wife crime wave were at their home in Parrish, just across the Sunshine Skyway bridge in Manatee County, when deputies arrived Monday afternoon. Several deputies, detectives and undercover narcotics cops in ski mask. One of the suspects in this case is dying.She is in her 60s, and confined to a wheelchair. One of the other suspects is her caretaker.He is also in his 60s, and a disabled Vietnam veteran. Cathy Jordan has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease) and has depended on marijuana to combat the progressive nature and many of the symptoms of her disease.
"I know it's against the law, and I know the cops have a job to do. But I have a responsibility, too, and my responsibility is taking care of my wife, They don't have to tell me this is serious. To us, this is life-and-death serious.I am not backing down. If I have to go to jail, I'll go to jail. Just because something is illegal, doesn't make it morally wrong. My wife is dying!".....Bob Jordan
A coincidence? Unbeknownst to the Manatee County Sheriff's Office, the people they were investigating have been leaders in a push to legalize cannabis for medicinal purposes in Florida. On Wednesday afternoon, two days after the incident, Sen. Jeff Clemens, D-Lake Worth, filed the previously planned Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act (SB 1250) in the Senate.
two mature plants and various seedlings were confiscated. A real estate agent checking out the house next door snitched on them.

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