Florida GOP

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Florida Republican Rejects Medicaid Expansion

A Florida Senate committee voted Monday against Medicaid expansion, joining the House in rejecting Gov. Rick Scott's proposal for a three-year trial covered entirely by federal funding. The Senate select committee on the Affordable Care Act voted along party lines, 7-4. Democrats said they were willing to explore alternatives but unsuccessfully pleaded with colleagues to embrace expansion as a backup.
Yet they are very good at doing this. Governor Rick Scott has spent the past two years slashing services for the middle class, such as education cuts that led to massive teacher layoffs, while dishing out millions of dollars to major corporations. Now he plans to go even further by pushing through a bill this legislative session that will give big corporations another $141 million in tax breaks.
Remember these people come election time.
Will Weatherford of Land o' Lakes,Joe Negron of Stuart, Jeff Brandes of St. Petersburg, Richard Corcoran, of Trinity,Nancy C. Detert of Sarasota,
Bill Galvano of Hillsborough County, Denise Grimsley Polk County,
Jack Latvala of Pinellas County.
Come on Florida let's not let what happened in 2010 happen again, that is how these people get elected. 
Get Involved in 2014. Let's turn Florida Blue.

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