Florida GOP

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mayor Bob: Darn Sure Means Rail

In a speech filled with talk of teamwork and cooperation, Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn delivered this don't-mess-with-us challenge: "We can be a region with a first-class transportation system," Buckhorn said during his second State of the City speech on Tuesday. "We need mobility options now. That means bus rapid transit, that means (high-occupancy vehicle lanes), and it darn sure means rail. He went on to allude to Gov. Rick Scott's decision to turn away $2 billion from the Obama administration to build high-speed rail from Tampa to Orlando. "Don't tell me that I have to listen to the mayor of Detroit thank me because he's building his light rail system with our money.
If he can pull this off he could make people forget about the 6 foot lap  dance rule 
and go down as the greatest mayor this city has ever had.

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