Florida GOP

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Rodney Dangerfield Blog

I am not a writer, my thing is in photography. my mom gave me a Kodak Brownie for Christmas when i was 6 years old and after many Nikon's later i am still at it. The nest few paragraphs were a struggle, so please be kind. I read with great sadness the other day Ben Kirby's post about putting his great blog The Spencerian on hiatus, possibly forever. he mention in his post the disappointment he felt when he wasn't listed on the Washington Post's The Fix blog.
  By the way, they just updated their list of best state blogs, and The Spencerian didn't make the cut.  I'm not particularly pleased with their Florida list, but I don't want you to think this is about being bitter.
Peter Schorsch of St.Peters Blog mention that he hopes this wasn't the staw that broke the camels back. I don't want to sound bitter myself but if that was the case with the Stogie my camel would of been on the ground along time ago. I started this effort  back on March 19, 2003. First as a website thanks to Wayback Machine you can see what it looked like here) and then as a blog in May of 2006. For some reason, (maybe i wasn't someones idea of what a blog should look like). it took the Stogie along time to get accepted. Some bloggers did help me out and put my link on their blogrolls (Litbrit, Out In Left Field, Tampa Do-Gooder, Finding Tampa, Pushing Rope stc.) I remember how proud i was when Ken put me on the old Florida Progressive Coalition blogroll.
 Let me not forget madfloridian who gave me a link and who now also writes for Daily Kos where she also gave me a link. (How cool is that?) I never get mentioned in any Best Of Blogs list. including the one Mr. Kirby is talking about. And as far as awards go, I  finally won the Netroots Award for Best Local Blog of 2011 and that was only becouse Mr. Kirby and especially Mr. Schorsch sent their support my way. If not i would still be Award-less (Is that a word?). So for me it has never been about lists or awards and i hope that is the case with the talented Mr Kirby. 
My daughter has Instructions to post my obituary, when you see it, that will be it for me.

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