Florida GOP

Friday, May 10, 2013

Don't Forget What Gov. Scott Has Done

From his record
We need to make sure Floridians don't forget what Gov. Scott has done – and continues to do – to our great state. Will you help us defeat Scott and his allies' propaganda campaign? Rick Scott is singing a different tune at the close of the 2013 legislative session. More money for education! A pay raise for state employees! Just forget about the fact Scott proposed more than a billion dollars in cuts to education his first year in office. Never mind about Scott standing idly by as our teachers, firefighters, and police officers had their pay cut by three percent. And all the while, Scott and his buddies in the legislature have lavishly handed out hundreds of millions of our tax dollars to their corporate campaign donors. It's a smokescreen covering up how Scott and his allies continue to do the bidding of out of state corporations and the well-connected. Here's what's really going on:
•Thanks to Gov. Scott's inaction, and obstruction by the Republican majority in the Florida House, access to health insurance for more than 1 million uninsured Floridians was blocked.
•Rick Scott’s legislative allies pushed legislation that would lay the ground work for out-of-state corporations to take over our public schools. They failed this year…but they’ll be back next year.
•Scott's allies passed legislation banning local communities from enacting earned sick time benefits for hard working Florida families.
•They caved to mega campaign donor Blue Cross Blue Shield and failed to close an unnecessary tax loophole for big insurance companies, yet they killed legislation that would have lowered vehicle registration fees for everyday Floridians.
Scott and the special interests say this session was a victory for Floridians, but we know what this was: a 60 day corporate special interest feeding frenzy. Will you help us make sure Floridians know the truth?
We won't back down in the face of Gov. Scott's multi-million dollar, special interest fueled propaganda machine. Floridians deserve an efficient, effective government that fights for the needs of middle class families throughout our state.
Thanks for helping us move Florida forward.
Contribute today and help us make sure Floridians never forget Gov. Scott's anti-middle class record.

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