Florida GOP

Monday, May 20, 2013

Our Castro-Loving Commie

Al Fox,  an outspoken activist for normalized American relations with Cuba, gets pulled over on  Dale Mabry for driving 63 mph in a 45 mph zone by Tampa PD super DUI cop Ray Fernandez. The same guy that was involved in the Shnitt, Bubba the Love Sponge DUI arrest. Fernandez called Officer Dean Uno to administer field sobriety tests. Uno arrested Fox after he said Fox failed tests of walking in a straight line and maintaining balance on one foot. Fox said he failed the tests because he is an old man.
He blew a 0.000 blood alcohol level, twice, records show, at the Hillsborough County Jail,
and his urine tested clean.
In an interview Thursday, Fox, who was joined by attorney Joe Lopez, said he thinks something other than public safety motivated the officers. Fox has made enemies with his advocacy of ending the trade embargo and travel restrictions to Cuba.Fox says Uno acknowledged knowing him that night.
"I recognize you," Uno said at the jail, according to Fox. "You're that Cuba guy, aren't you? You do that Cuba stuff."
"I took it to mean you're that Castro-loving commie, aren't you?" Fox said.
Lopez said he intends to file a federal lawsuit against the city for violation of Fox's civil rights. He called the actions of Fernandez and Uno "suspicious." In a report, Fernandez wrote he observed Fox "to have glassy eyes, very slurred speech and had the distinct odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath." Lopez's replies: Fox was wearing glasses that night, his speech does not sound slurred in the video of sobriety tests, and Fernandez must have had an amazing sense of smell to detect less than one beer on Fox's breath.
Good luck Mr. Fox

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