Florida GOP

Friday, May 17, 2013

Tampa's 50-Foot Rule

No not lap dances, car stereos
Tampa City Council gave its preliminary approval to an ordinance Thursday that would make it illegal for drivers to blast their car stereos. The proposal would allow police to ticket drivers if their music can be heard from at least 50 feet away and would include possible jail time for a third offense.
Jail time for playing your stereo too loud? I like this idea better.
Council member Lisa Montelione cast the only vote against the ordinance. She said she supported it, but objected to incarcerating repeat offenders. "Jail time is going to put a lot of young people behind bars who are going to get records and who are not going to be able to get jobs," she said.Better, Montelione said, would be to impound the cars of the offenders.But she was alone on that. "The only way this ordinance is going to work is if the penalties attached to it are steep enough to keep people from repeatedly violating it," council member Harry Cohen said.

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