Florida GOP

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Let's Give The Panhandle To Georgia And Alabama

Did rejection of Medicaid expansion help House Republicans?
In the first referendum since House Republicans bypassed more than $50 billion in federal aid for health care, Mike Hill, a 55-year-old tea party Republican insurance agent, won 57.9 percent of the vote in a Northwest Florida district that has an economy dominated by hospitals as well as the military -- which is weathering a sequester deal rife with budget cuts forced by congressional Republicans. Hill’s Democratic opponent, labor-union leader Jeremy Lau, mustered 42.1 percent of the vote in a special election held after Rep. Clay Ford died in March. Lau, a 40-year-old aircraft mechanic for L-3 Com Vertex Aerospace, a military contractor at Pensacola Naval Station, had made Medicaid expansion his No. 1 issue.
Put an R at the end of your name and some folks will vote for you no matter what.

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