Florida GOP

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Local Right-Wing Reacts

 "I believe the Supreme Court made a serious mistake today when it overstepped its important, but limited role." U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla
"It impacted federal law, not state law. In 2008, Florida voters amended our constitution and said that we are a traditional marriage state — marriage is between a man and a woman. As the governor of this state, I'll uphold the law of the land, and that's the law of our state." Florida Gov. Rick Scott
"Today's Defense of Marriage Act ruling flies in the face of common sense, tradition, reason and morality." Bishop Aubrey Shines of Glory to Glory Ministries in Tampa
"America, and Florida specifically, will continue the debate and advance the truths about why marriage is between a man and a woman and why it matters for children, civil society, and the common good of society." John Stemberger, Florida Family Policy Council
"Courts at every level are definning the social fabric of America" Terry Kemple, Local Bigot

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