Florida GOP

Monday, June 24, 2013

Tampa Has Strippers And It's Probably Dolly Parton's Fault

In the mid-'60s, a gentleman named Bobby Rodriguez purchased a country bar in Tampa called The Deep South. The bar was a rough-and-tumble place where up-and-coming country stars often performed. The bar wasn't that profitable so Bobby decided to make some changes. First off, he attempted to tone down the fighting in the place. With that problem solved but the bar still not making much money, Rodriguez turned his sights on the entertainment. He went to the books and realized that one of the best nights they had in terms of the crowd was the night they had Dolly Parton on stage. Rodriguez realized the majority of her fans were men, and that they were not listening to her talents but rather gawking at them. Pacheco said Rodriguez figured he could toss any beautiful woman on stage, dress her scantily, have her dance and pay her a fraction of what he paid talented musicians, and the same men who came to see Dolly Parton would pay to see the unknown beauty.

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