Florida GOP

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Court Replaces Voting Rights Act with Katherine Harris Acts

Grand OLD Party
Greg Palast writes, they might as well have burned a cross on Dr. King's grave. Last year, the GOP Secretary of State of Florida Ken Detzner tried to purge 180,000 Americans, mostly Hispanic Democrats, from the voter rolls. He was attempting to break Katherine Harris' record. Detzner claimed that all these Brown folk were illegal "aliens." I'll admit there were illegal aliens on Florida's voter rolls – two of them. Let me repeat that: TWO aliens'–One a US Marine serving in Iraq (not yet a citizen); the other an Austrian who registered as a Republican. We can go from state to state in Dixie and see variations of the Florida purge game.
They know this is the only way they can win. The wealthy are but a few, and the idiots who keep voting against their own interest are dying off. Officials in North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Mississippi and Alabama — all states that were covered by the Voting Rights Act right up until Tuesday morning — started announcing their states' previously blocked voter ID laws would take effect immediately. They must not realize that the more they push the more we thrive. Look at what happen in this past election, their best effort at voter suppression failed. We came out in huge numbers. They lost hispanics, African Americans, women, young people and even the Cuban Americans in Miami voted  against them, something that i tought i would never see in my lifetime. They are making fools of themselves all over the country. (Michele bachmann, Jodie Laubenberg,Todd Akin, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Paul LePage) Look at what happened in Texas this past week, this wasn't just a state thing the whole country saw it. The only reason they control the house is becouse of gerrymandering. Just look at what they are doing to Wendy Davis:
the good ol' boy network in Texas has pretty much ensured Ms. Davis won't be reelected in 2014. After SCOTUS gutted section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, the Republican leadership is now free to implement the previously ruled unconstitutional gerrymandered redistricting in Texas. Wendy Davis represents a district in Fort Worth that contains a vast majority of minority citizens. The new district as of today has split those minority citizens placing them in three different white districts. This will not only make her reelection almost impossible, it also takes away the strong advocacy that Ms. Davis has provided during her tenure.
The Republican party is history.

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