Florida GOP

Monday, July 22, 2013

Fight Scott's Voter Purge

With the ink barely dry on the U.S. Supreme Court’s awful ruling to gut the Voting Rights Act, Gov. Scott has announced he plans to resume his recklessly partisan, undemocratic voter purge. We know what this is - Gov. Scott is getting desperate as poll numbers paint a dire picture of his reelection. Unfortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court just made it easier for Scott to make it harder for some Floridians to vote.Last year, Gov. Scott’s administration began purging alleged “non-citizens” from the voter rolls without seeking the Justice Department’s approval. Not only did Scott’s administration likely violate the Voting Rights Act at the time, but it was quickly revealed that the data used to purge the rolls was severely flawed. Bill Internicola, a 91-year-old World War II veteran, was one of many legitimate voters caught up in Gov. Scott’s flawed voter purge. The purge list mostly targeted minority voters with 58% of the list being Hispanic voters.

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