Florida GOP

Monday, July 15, 2013

George Zimmerman: Florida Coward

Marissa Alexander of Jacksonville who is black fired warning shots against her allegedly abusive husband has been sentenced to 20 years in prison.....here. George Zimmerman of Sanford who is white or hispanic what ever he wants to call himself racial profiles, stalks and kills Trayvon Martin a 17 year old African-American kid walking home goes free. You mean to tell me that a man that takes self-defense classes 3 days a week, outweighs Mr. Martin by 70 pounds can not defend himself short of shooting him. This trial was a sham from the begining. They never wanted to prosecute this man and only did it after public pressure. Florida state attorney Angela Corey who was appointed by Rick Scott as Special Prosecutor to investigate the killing and was the one who prosecuted Marissa Alexander was smiling like she just won the Super Bowl after the verdict. They should all be fired. Hopefully the Justice Department will go ahead with it's civil rights case. Mr Zimmerman is nothing but a coward, you don't bring a gun to a fist fight. His name is now synonymous with cowardness and will be for the rest of his life. Get use to it Georgie! Sign the letter to Attorney General Eric Holder here.

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