Florida GOP

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It Must Be A Bitch Being Black

to follow up on Pilar's post "Florida Coward" of a couple of days ago. Here is a 17 year old kid walking home after a snack run. This man starts to follow him, approaches with out identifying himself as Neighborhood Watch, they get into a fight. Then because he starts to get his ass kicked by a 17 year old he pulls out his gun and shoots, not in the air to scare him or arm or leg to wound him no he shoots him in the heart to kill him. Just what you are suppose to do to use the stand your ground law, the law he told a surprised Sean Hannity he knew nothing about. After all dead men tell no tale. When the cops show up he claims self defense. no investigation like maybe look for witness, no, they just let him go. No big deal just another dead black guy. It took a public outcry for the state to step in. i have been in the recovery Industry for over 20 years. i would roam the streets in the middle of the night looking for cars to reprocess. Not once in those 20 years did i ever have a black man sitting on me. and think about this i was doing alot more then just following someone around, i was trying to take their cars. i was thought to treat people with respect and take control of the situation. it worked for me, not once did i ever have to resort to violence, in fact by the end of the encounter people were thanking me for taking their cars. The prosecutors refused to bring up race but i will. this had everything to do with race. I still cant believe what one of the defense lawyer said after the verdict. "If Zimmerman had been black he would of never been charged." He might be partly right after Sanford PD had finished kicking his ass there would of been no one to charge. 

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