Florida GOP

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Let's Kick Miami's Ass

Local foodie blogger Carlos Hernandez had a vision, now more than 100 food trucks will assemble at the Florida Fairgrounds in Tampa in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the largest rally, and word on the street is Miami is mad. If successful, this will trounce the record set in April in Miami when 62 trucks convened at Magic City Casino.  "Some of the local promoters in Miami have some objections to this," said Jeremy Gomez, one of the organizers of the Tampa rally. "The promoters are very cutthroat and they've been telling their trucks that if they come to our event they won't use them anymore. They just don't want us to take their record." Sef Gonzalez, the Miami guy says this is bunk.  here

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