Florida GOP

Monday, July 8, 2013

Marco Rubio A Piece Of Garbage?

According to the pitbull of the Republican Party Ann Coulter
It seems he is being courted by the right-wing to take up ban on abortions at 20 weeks. Remember his championing of immigration reform caused him to lose some luster among some conservatives. Rubio is considering becoming lead sponsor of legislation to ban abortions 20 weeks after fertilization. Anti-abortion groups have asked Rubio to take the lead, and while his office says no final decision has been made, the senator is expected to sign on this week after returning from a family vacation. I have always stayed away from this issue becouse i am a man and this is a woman thing and it is none of my business. I can say that i find 20 weeks more then enough time. I mean this is 5 months more then half of the 9 month term.

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