Florida GOP

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tony in Tampa

His blood pressure spikes over leftist agenda. So he called Rush to tell him about it. RUSH: Here's Tony in Tampa. I'm glad you called, sir. It's great to have you here. Tony: Yeah. Thanks, Rush. Could you imagine if a Republican had this miserable, destructive record that Obama has with the unending golf, the never-ending vacations? You could imagine what the likes of Chris Matthews, that Sleeping Beauty Bob Beckel, Knee-Jerk Geraldo, Juan Williams, and Alan Colmes would do. They'd be crawling the walls! They would be threatening to gas themselves right on the air. It would be a billion-man march. Every street would be clogged with people. You wouldn't be able to get your car out of the driveway! You'd be eating pinto beans for weeks on end. More of Tony's call here
Tony as fellowTampans we suggest you get your head out of your ass, stop making a fool of yourself on the radio and do a little research. You might want to start here and check this out from Fact Check,or you can Google it and you will find all kinds of stuff. Oh wait, this is the Liberal media.

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