Florida GOP

Monday, July 29, 2013

you might be a right winger if

you're pro-life, pro-death penalty, and pro-war, as long as it
doesn't effect you personally.

 If you have no problem with our bombs finding Afghanistan or Iraq
even though most of our citizens can't find either country on the map.

You think labor unions are a communist plot.
you believe that the spread of AIDS can be stopped by pulling
funding for sex education and needle exchanges.

you point to Sean Hannity and say, "See, Jesus can cure

you are convinced that greed has gotten a bad rap
 you think any one motivated in their profession by something other
than making a profit is a communist.

You'd rather make money than breathe
If you think that Clarence Thomas and Condoleezza Rice are the
greatest African-American leaders since Martin Luther King

If you think African-Americans should stop whining because forty
years of affirmative action has magically erased the debilitating effects
of 246 years of slavery and 100 years of violent Jim Crow racism

 you think that any woman who has the temerity to think they should
receive equal rights under the law, in the workplace, and in general
are 'feminazis'

you think corporate profits are more important than breathable air, potable water, and a diverse ecosystem
Ann Coulter gives you a "woody" 
you possess millions in unexplnable, unindictable, and now
untaxable cash

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