Florida GOP

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Liberals Scream for Howard Dean

Howard Dean today became the latest Democrat to head to Iowa. He spoke at an Iowa Federation of Labor event about an effort by the liberal group Democracy For America to elect more Democratic state legislators. Asked by Iowa radio whether he would run if Hillary doesn't, Dean answered, "We're not going there, I'm supporting Hillary." If Dean were to run, he'd probably have to do it by heading straight for Clinton's (or Vice President Joe Biden's) left flank. That would mean a more populist message, focused on expanding, not "reforming" entitlements and Wall Street reform, which some liberal Democrats feel the mainstream of the party has largely abandoned for the sake of political expediency. "If no candidate endorses these positions there's absolutely room for a Howard Dean type of candidate," said Matt Wall, press secretary for the Progressive Change Campaign Committee........more>

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