Florida GOP

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Florida Congressman Grayson

For several months, journalist Glenn Greenwald has reeled off one blockbuster article after another concerning the National Security Agency's pervasive domestic and international electronic spying programs. Congressman Alan Grayson, wanting to learn more about the scope of domestic spying, has invited Greenwald to provide a briefing to Congress in Washington, D.C. Given the threats to prosecute him, Greenwald has been reluctant to do so in person. So one month ago, Congressman Grayson sent a letter to Attorney General Holder, asking whether the AG would prosecute Greenwald if Greenwald came to D.C. to testify. Yesterday, we learned the answer.
Attorney General] Holder indicated that the Justice Department is not planning to prosecute former Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald, 
One way or another, Congressman Grayson will continue to seek Greenwald's testimony regarding the scope of domestic spying, so that Congress and the American People can hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Which is one more reason why

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