Florida GOP

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Florida Islamophobic Fringe Group

 Citizens For National Security
  Are in DC planning to accuse the Council on American-Islamic Relations of
“advancing its agenda of radical Islam” and backing
a campaign of “extortion, intimidation and subversion.”
Republican members of Congress regularly demonize CAIR:
 One former representative even called the organization a
“terrorist organization.” CFNS previously collaborated with then-congressman Allen West. CFNS chairman William Saxton believes that the Muslim Brotherhood has captured public schools in the US and is training students to become Islamic extremists.....more>

 This latest controversy is not new in Florida. The website at Citizens for National Security is heavily devoted to the topic, including a report of the ongoing textbook issue in Florida; a 10-minute instructional video devoted to the topic; and a “Teacher’s Guide” to correcting “Islamic bias.” Saxton calls the Islamic-biased textbooks a “national issue” that’s been ongoing for some time.

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