Florida GOP

Monday, November 4, 2013

Right Wing Bullshit

Email From Ken Blackwell Chairman, of the Tea Party Victory Fund
The latest poll from Emerson College shows McAuliffe, the Democrat, with 42 percent support and Cuccinelli, the Republican, with 40 percent. Libertarian Robert Sarvis has 13 percent in the poll of 874 likely voters.
According to Zogby, McAuliffe, former Democratic National chairman, now leads Cuccinelli, state attorney general, by a margin of 44 percent to 32 percent statewide, with 10 percent going to Libertarian Robert Sarvis, 3 percent for other candidates, and 12 percent undecided.
In fact here is the headline at Newsmax "McAuliffe Headed for Big Win".....more
Is this the bubble everyone talks about?

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