Florida GOP

Friday, December 13, 2013

DINOS Attack Elizabeth Warren

The Washington establishment’s war on Senator Elizabeth Warren has officially begun.
On Friday, Jim Kessler, vice president of the centrist Democrat think-tank Third Way, took to the airwaves to defend his organization’s recent attack piece on the Senator. Kessler and the corporate Democrat “moderate” types who support Third Way are absolutely terrified. They’re terrified that Elizabeth Warren and her supporters will upend the stranglehold they’ve had on Democratic politics since the Clinton era. So now they’ve joined Republicans in declaring an all-out war on her and
everything she stands for......more

Check out Third Way at Pushing Rope
Progressive Change Campaign Committee has an online petition
to make the Third Way reveal its donors.
 Check out this democrat from Washington state, Patty Murray.
Maybe democrats need to have a civil war like the GOP
is having and primary these people?
Ybor City Stogie member of the Howard Dean/Elizabeth Warren wing of the Democratic Party

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