Florida GOP

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Vanessa Guzman Of Boyton Beach

A Florida middle school teacher was suspending after assigning homework using Lil’ Wayne lyrics. The explicit lyrics to his hit “6 Foot 7 Foot”
were printed and passed out to an eight grade class, and
it made one parent very upset.....more>

1 comment:

  1. It never once occurred to you that the bitch was jealous and you did not have to do ANY of that, right?

    Never once occurred to you that what you were doing to me and therefore to US, was wrong.

    I have discovered many things in the years since Larry was murdered. I will say this: I have seldom been more disappointed in another person than I am in you and your actions. You may not have LIKED exactly what I gave you, but what you got was EXACTLY who I AM.
    You belittle life and yourself by the company you chose. What you did to me was wrong.
    It doesn't matter if you believe in God or not. Karma doesn't really believe in God per se, either. The wheel of life owes you for what you did to us. I've never raised a hand against another human being in anger nor have I ever reached out with intent to do damage to another. I have always tried to be kind and if not kind, at least ... quiet.
    And you know that.

    Yet you did what you did and are doing against what is basically a helpless and already victimized person whom you professed and profess to care about.

    I disparage and am appalled by your actions towards me.

    But let there be no unkind words. My God and the Karmic wheel of life have this in hand.

    So you tell those motherfucking gangsters you prefer over human beings that gangsters used to be cool.

    And the women and children were safe from that.

    But your gangsters have become animals who actually went after my own son when he was just 6 years old and sleeping at a picnic table inside the YMCA. Mike Benitez of Verizon, and daddy at Tampa Fire Rescue, river rats with your whore friends, went by and picked him up by his backpack and dropped him on the floor.

    That's what you roll with. It's manly and awesome to do that to a six year old, don't you think?

    Tu quientes borricua grande este savaging seite anos nino sueno?

    No, my old friend, that is nothing for you to take pride in.

    I am deeply ashamed and disappointed in you. I feel that you owe much that you will pay.

    The time is coming. That's all I know. I wish you well. I am taking that old whore to legal and peaceful justice and it doesn't matter to me how many pictures of her cuban motherfucking mafia family she posts on facebook.

    If I had to swim to motherfucking cuba to get the one who murdered larry and carry the whore back in my jaws to bring her to court, I would do that.

    Most anyone who knows me, knows that. Ergo all of this idiocy and the accompanying threats. You realize that this is damaging my health, right?

    I'm not really at all disappointed in myself for relying on you being the human that you never were.

    Jesus Christ .. the overwhelming number of white trash in tampa, the carnys, the bikers, the cuban and puerto rican and every latino and tampa mob on record, tampa fire rescue and the dirty pig leos and the Dept of Homeland Security, Robert O'Neill the IRA and the DOJ and now the FBI and the CIA

    All that to fuck with one girl.


    You had that jackass throwing rats in my yard and you folks were running around telling people I was a snitch. Yeah. My nephew and beloved Godson was put in the ground and my first idea after a lifetime of smoking pot and trying out drugs like every 80s person and practically EVERY person, and hanging with every person in the world and never betraying a trust or even speaking out of turn because UM i'm a quiet fucking person to begin with ... but also inherent from my family and surroundings. And suddenly when Larry was dead and gone, my Mom bashed over the head and my sister murdered in her car, I YOUR FRIEND, became a snitch.

    At first, that lie is what made me the most angry. But I blamed that on stupid ass james darrell mason and the carny pigs. Now I know.
