Florida GOP

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Howard Dean Called It Right Years Ago

Right after the 2010 elections Democrats had absolutely nothing to lose at all by taking the liberal stances on issues that mattered to people and affected their lives.
Instead...all we got was preaching about more "bipartisanship", getting along with the other side, bite the other side, without the involvement and commitment of people at the ground level, you don't really have a party. Look what happen to Sink. Be proud to be a liberal You have no pool from which to draw future congresspeople, senators, and presidents.
And you have no genuine excitement...."He says "the truth is when you trade your values for the hope of winning, you end up losing and having no values--so you keep losing.
We have to reconnect to the base.......more>
 We have tried cautious, centrist, moderate, bipartisan. We have tried being careful not to take strong stands. We have gone along with right wing policies trying to please.
It hasn't worked very well. 

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