Florida GOP

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Gulf Coast, Four Years After The BP Disaster

900: Bottlenose dolphins found dead or stranded
500: Sea Turtles found dead or stranded 
20 percent: Portion of the Gulf’s bluefin tuna exposed 
778 miles: Amount of coastline BP says it cleaned before ending
“active cleanup”
$14 billion: Amount BP says it spent on spill response and cleanup activities
$12.9 billion: Amount BP says it paid in claims, advances, civil settlements, and payments for tourism promotion, seafood testing, marketing,
and health services
$23 billion: BP’s profits in 201
$105 million: Amount BP paid under a partial settlement for the oil spill to fund new healthcare centers and services for the Gulf
17 months: Time period BP was banned from all federal contracts
Two weeks: Length of time after that suspension was lifted before BP
had another oil spill
Five: Number of rigs BP had in the Gulf of Mexico before the spill
10: Number of oil rigs BP currently has in the Gulf
1.3 million: Barrels of oil produced daily in the U.S. Gulf in 2011
2 million: Barrels of oil expected to come from the U.S. Gulf daily by 2020

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