Florida GOP

Monday, May 19, 2014

Charlie Crist's Liberty City Love-Fest

He was adored by the crowds,
“He knows where he came from
 and he will help the people,” 
said Renita Holmes, a community activist. “As you can see, 
the black community welcomes him back.”
So many supporters, 
came to welcome Crist that organizers had to move 
his welcoming speech outdoors.
Why? Because the Miami-Dade GOP, like the Florida and national party, has really no foothold in any black community in the county or state. Of Miami-Dade's 362,000 registered Republicans, only 1.9 percent is African American. That's compared to 19 percent of the overall voter rolls 
and 36 percent of the registered Democrats, 
who outnumber registered Republicans by nearly 188,000.
Relatively speaking, the GOP is doomed

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