Florida GOP

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

In Rick Scott's Florida

Rick Scott was a stranger to Floridians. 
Then he spent $73 million and rode n angry voter wave to the Governor's Mansion. 
For Florida, this has been a hostile takeover by the former CEO of the nation's 
largest hospital chain. In three years 
Scott has done more harm than any modern governor, from voting rights to privacy rights, public schools to higher education, environmental protection to health care. 
One more legislative session and a $100 million re-election campaign will not undo the damage.
This is the tin man as governor, a chief executive who shows no heartfelt connection to the state, appreciation for its values 
or compassion for its residents. Scott, moved to Naples just seven years before running for governor, he treats Florida like another faceless corporate acquisition to be 
dismantled and repackaged. 
In Scott's Florida, it is harder for citizens to vote and for the jobless to collect unemployment. It is easier for renters to be evicted and for borrowers to be charged high interest rates on short-term loans. It is harder for patients to win claims against doctors who hurt them and for consumers to get fair treatment from car dealers who deceive them. It is easier for businesses to avoid paying taxes, building roads and repairing environmental damage

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