Florida GOP

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Citrus Taliban Attacks The Broward County School District

A Broward County 
Boy said he was banned from reading 
"The Good Book" 
during free-reading time in school. The boy and his father have hired an attorney, 
calling this a violation of the boy's Constitutional rights.  
Fact: The student was reading his Bible during a "classroom 'accelerated reading' program," 
not during a free-reading session.

 The boy's family is being represented by the Liberty Institute, a "conservative religious-rights group" The Liberty Institute has a "long history of hyperbolic assertions about the impending end of religious freedom."....more

Elisabeth Hasselbeck has noted that the boy and his father would be on Fox and Friends.

Broward County Public Schools respects and upholds the rights of students to bring personal religious materials to school, including the Bible, and to read these items before school, after school or during any "free reading" time during the school day. 

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